Primer - A Word from the Author February 27 2016
Detailing doesn't have to be a career, but it can craft a rewarding lifestyle as a hobby. It fosters skills and habits that are transferable. Detailing can make you stronger physically and mentally. More importantly it's a labor of love, rooted in process, that never fails to give back. Every patron of the craft is given full creative license from the first day and their practice is honed with each new technique learned and hour spent working.
Physical labor is taking a back seat in the digital era. It seems old-fashioned, but it's irreplaceable, non-discriminating and universally appreciated. You can become a teacher, or a technician...a hobbyist, or a guru. It can spark an entrepreneurial flame and put money in your pocket if you need it to. No degree required--just devotion. Detailing can be your afternoon escape, or a gift you share with someone important.
Practice has made maintaining my own vehicles easier than ever. As a technician, I've helped clients preserve investments and memories, and I'm excited to share what I've learned. I'll lay out realistic guidelines for you that follow Concours principles, so you can create a show-car finish. We will use simple techniques and inexpensive tools that you may have around the house. As we work together, you will learn the skills necessary to achieve world-class results and have the cleanest car on the block!